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Cucumbers Essay Research Paper CucumbersAbstractThis paper will free essay sample

Cucumbers Essay, Research Paper Cucumbers Abstraction This paper will concentrate on Cucumis sativuss. It will discourse their relationship to other workss, the part of its beginning and the works portion used by worlds. The manner Cucumis sativuss are harvested and the value of the crop will besides be touched on. Diseases and insects that threaten Cucumis sativuss will briefly be discussed. Introduction From the times of the bible through Henry VIII reign and into the modern epoch, Cucumis sativuss have survived through the ages. Cucumbers have many utilizations such as supplying nutrient, lotion, aroma, and can be made into an emetic, to call a few. There are many different species of Cucumis sativuss and there are many ways to fix them. Reaping can be a boring or speedy procedure depending on the type of Cucumis sativus. Cucumbers are one of the most produced veggies, or should it be fruits, in the universe. Name and Categorization The Cucumis sativus? s scientific name is Cucumis sativus ( Linn ) . The genus name is Cucumis and the species name is sativus. It belongs to the household Cucurbitaceae. The common name is cucumber and is sometimes shortened to cucumbers. Relationship to any other economically of import works species or households The Cucumis sativus is in the same household as Cucurbita pepos, calabashs, squash, Citrullus vulgaris and cantaloup vine. Cucumber is the 2nd most cultivated veggie in nurseries, contested merely by tomatoes. Country/Region of Beginning There is a considerable sum of conflicting positions on where Cucumis sativuss originated. Some claim it is native to India, while others claim Asia, and still others claim it is native to Greece. The largest cultivation of it is in Asia. Where- of all time the Cucumis sativus is native it is now cultivated all over the universe. Plant Part Used by Worlds The portion of the Cucumis sativus that is used by worlds is the fruit. The ovary at the base of the female flower develops into the fruit. The male flower? s intent is to fertilise the female. Description of reaping techniques Cucumbers are a warm season harvest. The most favourable turning temperature is 82F, but Cucumis sativuss do good in temperatures runing from 65 to 75F. Frost and high temperature will damage the harvest. Cucumbers can turn in many different dirt types, provided they are good drained. They are a quick-growing harvest and must be good supplied with fertilisers. Cucumber seeds are by and large planted two inches deep into the dirt with workss spaced two to six inches apart. Row spacing varies from 12 to thirty inches apart. Fresh market Cucumis sativuss are picked by manus. The fruit is twisted and snapped off of the vine to guarantee there is no harm done to the vine or root of the works. In most parts machine harvest home has been accepted for pickling Cucumis sativuss. Cost of labour to manus choice Cucumis sativuss has gone up so machines are used. The drawback of utilizing machines to reap is that the harvest can merely be given a? one time over? because the machines harm workss a s they go down the rows. Cucumbers are hydro cooled after picking to take any field heat left over. Fruits ripen quickly in temperatures over 50F so they are stored in ice chests to forestall this. When a Cucumis sativus ripens it turns xanthous and is uneatable. Annual Harvest in lbs or kgs The major part of commercial harvest is used for treating pickles. Processing Cucumis sativuss yield an norm of five dozenss per acre across the United States, but can give from four dozenss per acre in the East and 18 dozenss per acre in California. Fresh market Cucumis sativuss are manus picked and scope from about three dozenss per acre in the eastern U.S. to sixteen dozenss per acre in California. China is the lead manufacturer of Cucumis sativuss, with India following in production, followed by USSR and the U.S. Diseases and Insects cut downing or endangering harvest output Insects are one of the chief jobs that cucumber husbandmans face. Although there are rather a few that pestilence Cucumis sativuss the two most unsafe are cucumber beetles and picklew orm. There are two sorts of Cucumis sativus beetles, striped and spotted. The larvae provender on the roots and roots of the works while the grownups feed on the seed leafs and new foliages in the spring. The insect can besides transport bacterial wilt and cucumber Mosaic virus. Pickleworm is even more unsafe than the cucumber beetle. These are chiefly found in the Carolinas but can travel north. The worms eat the foliage buds and flowers and tunnel into the vines and fruits. Once the pickleworm is inside the fruits it is impossible to kill them and will merely be found after the Cucumis sativus is processed. These insects can be easy controlled with early sensing and the usage of insect powder. Diseases can be controlled through the usage of antifungals, harvest rotary motion, and immune cultivars. If a Cucumis sativus harvest gets infected with a disease it can ensue in a immense loss. Mosaic is one of the most common diseases. It is a viral disease that is besides referred to as? white pickle? . It will stunt the growing of workss, mottle and yellow the works and purse the foliages. Young workss sometimes outgrow the symptoms. Insects and workers in the field can distribute it. Scab is a fungous infection that causes deep-set, dark brown musca volitanss on the fruits. A green cast can besides turn over the musca volitanss. This disease favors cool conditions. Bacterial wilt is caused by the bacteriums Erwina tracheiphila. These bacteriums wilt the works and finally kill it. Cucumber beetles carry it. These diseases can lay waste to a harvest if non decently controlled. Cultural Significance Spaniards brought Cucumis sativuss to Haiti in 1494. They were so someway brought to the Americas. When colonial colonies were being formed Cucumis sativuss were discovered in Native American harvests. Cucumbers became really popular with the settlers but during the 1600s a widespread bias developed against fresh fruits and salads. Cucumbers were said to convey on a train of summer diseases and should be forbidden, particularly to kids. When diet reform swept the state and accent was put on fresh veggies and less meat Cucumis sativuss were still non eaten. It was said that they were? fit merely for ingestion by cattles, ? hence the name? cowcumbers? . Cucumbers were shunned up until 1872 when a loanblend was formed. From 1880 until the present much involvement has been shown in turning and eating this veggie. Decision The Cucumis sativus is a widely produced and used works. The Cucumis sativus is a delicate works, but when decently cultivated can hold a high output. It can be of great benefit to worlds for the intents of nutrient and luxury. Cucumbers will stay one of the most cultivated and processed veggies. Bibliography Mentions Cited Cohen, B. Oct 30, 2000. The Cucumber Basics. [ online ] available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.lpl.arizona.edu/~bcohen/cucumbers/basics.html Cohen, B. Oct 30, 2000. Greenhouse Cucumbers. [ online ] available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.lpl.arizona.edu/~bcohen/cucumbers/greenhouse.html Cohen, B. Oct 30, 2000. A Brief History of Cucumbers. [ online ] available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.lpl.arizona.edu/~bcohen/cucumbers/history.html Cohen, B. Oct 30, 2000. Commercial Cucumber Production. [ online ] available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.lpl.arizona.edu/~bcohen/cucumbers/commercial.html Grieve, M. Oct 30, 2000. Cucumber. [ online ] available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/c/cucum123.html Wall, John. Oct 30, 2000. Turning Summer Squash and Cucumbers is a Vine Experience. [ online ] available hypertext transfer protocol: //aginfo.psu.edu/news/april00/squash.html Wing, Lucy. Oct 30, 2000. Types of Cucumbers. [ online ] available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.homearts.com/cl/cooking/08lucyb2.html Wing, Lucy. Oct 30, 2000. How to Turn Cucumbers. [ online ] available hypertext transfer protocol: //homearts.com/cl/cooking/08lucyb3.html ? Cucumber. ? Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000. Vers. 2000 Oct. 30, 2000. [ online ] available hypertext transfer protocol: //encarta.msn.com

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